Rideau Canal (Parks Canada)

Kingston to Ottawa, ON

Nest Protection | Enhancing Habitat Connectivity

Parks Canada has several turtle conservation projects underway along the 202-km Rideau Canal National Historic Site, including:

  • Lock Stewardship Project, which promotes turtle nest protection at lockstations and bridges
  • Connectivity Mapping Project, a tool we’re developing to prioritize areas for enhanced ecological connectivity
  • Species-At-Risk Site Action Plan, to monitor populations and develop action plans to protect species at risk and enhance their habitats. At Rideau Canal National Historic Site this includes Blanding’s turtles (Endangered), Wood turtle (Threatened), and Eastern Musk turtle, Midland Painted turtle, Northern Map turtle, and Snapping turtle (all Special concern).
Organization Type
Email: rideaucanal.info@pc.gc.ca
Phone: 613-283-5170
Toll-free: 1-888-773-8888
Kingston to Ottawa, ON
Region: east