Dundas Turtle Watch

Dundas, ON

Road Monitoring | Nest Monitoring | Hotline

Dundas Turtle Watch’s objective is to provide protection for turtles and promote sustainability in their threatened habitat.


Cootes Drive is a 4-lane highway that runs through the Dundas area. Dundas Turtle Watch (DTW) monitors this section of road and two other adjacent roads for 20 weeks every year. DTW works closely with the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Hamilton Conservation area, who have installed mitigation fencing along sections of the road and this has reduced turtle mortality. Ontario Hydro, another landowner, was contacted and they have constructed 4 turtle nesting piles on their land. These piles are monitored and maintained by DTW volunteers. DTW continues to lobby the City of Hamilton on issues that will assist turtles on their land.  


Hotline telephone number 289-775-1351, for turtles that the public in the area are concerned about. It is monitored by a DTW volunteer, Peter Hurrell. He assesses injured turtles that he receives calls about and aids in their transfer to the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, for care.

Organization Type
Email: dundasturtlewatch08@gmail.com
Phone: 289-775-1351
Dundas, ON
Region: southwest